Tom Hardy Monologues

Ivan Locke Monologues

Well hear this, Gareth. When I left the site just over two hours ago, I had a job, a wife, a home. And now I have none of those things. I have none of those things left. I just have myself and the car that I'm in. And I'm just driving and that's it.

I want to know that I'm not driving in one direction.

You make one mistake, Donal, one little fucking mistake, and the whole world comes crashing down around you.

Do it for the piece of sky we are stealing with our building. You do it for the air that will be displaced, and most of all, you do it for the fucking concrete. Because it is delicate as blood.

What the fuck are you looking at? Laughing, aren't you? Laughing at my predicament! Familiar predicament to a man like you, isn't it dad? There he is, look! Like father, like son! There's the man I made. What is it they say,"the apple doesn't fall far from the tree"? Well, that's where you're wrong! Listen to me, you fucking piece of worthless shit: I want you to watch. Do you know, infact, I would like to take a fucking shovel and dig you up out of the fucking ground and make you watch me tonight. I would pull open your eyes and kick the mud and worms and shit out of your fucking ears just for the duration of this journey, because it's me driving. Me! Not you. And unlike you, I will drive straight to the place where I should be, and I will be there to take care of my... to take care of my fuck-up.

Look. Look and fucking learn. I drove in this direction and there will be a new person when I get there. Yes, because of that night. Constructed out of two bottles of wine and somebody feeling lonely. How could you ever beat that for a construction?

And because the baby was caused by me. That is the decision I have made. I have not behaved in the right way with this woman. At all. I have behaved in a way that isn't like me. But now I am going to do the right thing.

And when the baby is born, when he's seven or when she's seven, it'll say it's okay. And the name will be Locke. Oh, Locke is okay. We do okay. Because... Because I straightened the name out. The Lockes were a long line of shit, but I straightened the name out.

Stefan is a good man. He will fix the pit and check the others. All 12 pumps will work. The stop-go will run. The north, south, east and west gates will all take their quarter of concrete. The baby will be born. And Katrina will be okay. In the morning she will be okay. That is how it can be. That is my prayer.

You think this is all fake, don't you dad? Your dirty fucking finger prints all over me. It was bound to happen because of the little seeds that you planted? Okay, well let me educate you. Even no matter what the situation is, you can make it good. Like with plaster and brick. You never knew that because you never lifted a finger, you fucking lazy cunt. But you know what? You can take a situation and you can draw a circle around it and find a way to work something out. You don't just drive away from it. No! Or sit in the corner of some greasy little fucking pub somewhere like you're the fucking happy little maverick. I could come for you with a pick and a shovel, I really could. Dig you up. And it would be a happy day in hell because they would be rid of you for a bit.

I'll explain when I'm not driving and when I'm with you and Eddie together, you know? I, uh, I've only just explained it to myself.

I could have easily let the concrete go to hell, but I didn't. You know, dad, when you came creeping back saying you were sorry, it was even worse than staying away. Yes, I'm serious! I could have broken your fucking back for that, but I didn't, and the fact that I could have done it was worse than anything. Because you were so fucking weak! That was the first thing I noticed. So weak. All the things I fucking despise inside one fucking stupid green shirt. You look pathetic. My fucking dad. And what were they, they were trainers, some sort of fucking trainers that teenagers wear. Your hair was all over the place. You don't drink anymore, you don't fucking smoke dope. What, we're all supposed to celebrate, is that it? Celebrate what, exactly?

You know what? I could just drive around the M-25 into Dover or some-fucking-where and not face it, couldn't I? And just earn good money, cash in hand, working on the cross rail. They make five hundred a day just shoveling shit. Shoveling shit about like you. No, I'm going to drive straight to the worst place for me - the worst place on earth for me to be, even though this… woman is like, she's sad and lonely, hardly bothered with life at all. I felt sorry for her, you know? I felt sorry for her. So how can that be the difference between good and bad?

Charles Bronson Monologues

How would you feel, waking up in the morning without a window? My window is a steel grid, I 'ave to put my lips against that steel grid and suck in air, that's my morning... 'cause I got no air in my cell. I have to eat, sleep and crap in that room twenty-three hours of a twenty-four hour day. You tell me, what human being deserves that? Apart from the stinking paedophile or a child killer. I don't deserve that, I done nothing on this planet to deserve that. My bed is four inches off the floor, it's a concrete bed, my toilet hasn't even got a seat on it or a lid, and I 'ave to live like this month after month after month, and the way it's looking it's year after year after year. Now is that's right then so be, but let somebody else 'ave a fucking go at it, 'cause I've had twenty-six years of this bollocks and it's time to come out, and I want the jury at my trail to come and see how I'm living. But I'm not living, I'm existing.

You don't want to be trapped inside with me sunshine. Inside, I'm somebody nobody wants to fuck with do you understand? I am Charlie Bronson, I am Britain's most violent prisoner.

Right! That's enough! He's had enough, come on, get him out of here! Go on and get him the fuck out of here, he's had enough! Come on! You fucking cunts! No class next week. Right!

You shouldn't mess with boys that are bigger than you.

Right! I've got a librarian up here, and he's in a lot of trouble!

To a terrified woman in a jewellery shop: "Don't fucking move! Or I'll kill you. Alright?"

Now hang on to your fillings. Alright? 'Cause it's going to get fucking Leary.

My name is Charles Bronson. All my life I wanted to be famous. I knew I was made for better things. I had a calling. I just didn't know what it is. Wasn't singing. I can't fucking act. Kinda running out of choices really, aren't we?

I'm sat 'ere, with Andy Love, and I'm gonna snap his fucking neck and stick his head up his arse if I don't get what I want!

1974… tough time to be young in England. Not a lot of opportunity around. Still, life moves on. Irene and I got hitched. It was all right. We didn't have it bad for a couple from the chippy. But they don't give you a star on the walk of fame for "not bad," do they?

Max Rockatansky Monologues

You know, hope is a mistake. If you can't fix what's broken, you'll, uh… you'll go insane.

My name is Max. My world is fire and blood. Once, I was a cop. A road warrior searching for a righteous cause. As the world fell, each of us in our own way was broken. It was hard to know who was more crazy... me... or everyone else.

I am the one that runs from both the living and the dead. Hunted by scavengers, haunted by those I could not protect. So I exist in this wasteland, reduced to one instinct: survive.

How much more can they take from me? They got my blood, now it's my car!

Here they come again... worming their way into the black matter of my brain. I tell myself, they cannot touch me. They are long dead.

But I guarantee you that a hundred and sixty days ride that way... there's nothing but salt.

At least that way we might be able to… together… come across some kind of redemption.

No. I suggest we go back the same way we came. Through the canyon.

So we take the War Rig and charge it right through the middle of them. We can decouple the tanker at the pass, shut it off behind us.

We have more monologues for You!