Sandra Bullock Monologues

Birdee Pruitt Monologues

Childhood is what you spend the rest of your life trying to overcome. That's what momma always says. She says that beginnings are scary, endings are usually sad, but it's the middle that counts the most. Try to remember that when you find yourself at a new beginning. Just give hope a chance to float up. And it will, too...

Childhood is what you spend the rest of your life trying to overcome.

I would have stayed with you forever. I would have turned myself inside out for you.

You think that I don't know that? I know that I'm not what I once was. I know that! But I haven't changed so much, that I would go and lie to someone that I love. God, I would walk through fire before I'd let them feel like they were nothing! And I would never break up anybody's home. Because I am not a quitter. I care about my family! I may not be the same person, but then again, neither are you. You're sad, you're weak, and you're… shorter. If you want to know the truth.

Then you should take it. If that's how you feel then you should take it. You and Connie deserve each other. You were lucky to have me. But you know what? I think I already got the best part of you. And she's standing right out there, and she's waiting for me. I don't know… what's left just doesn't look so good anymore. So why'd you come back? You want my permission? You want my… condolences? Why did you come back?

You know, I always thought I was gonna be, I don't know, special. But I'm not. I'm just… I'm just an ordinary person. And that's OK. Because… you make me special. Don't you know that? Don't you know that you're everything in this world to me? And we're gonna make it through this because we are a team. Birdee and Bernice, the coolest chicks in Smithville. So don't you ever think about leaving me again… because I need you. I love you.

I would walk through fire before I would break up a family, because I'm not a quitter.

I always thought that I was going to be, I don't know… special. But I'm not. I'm just… just an ordinary person. And that's ok. 'Cause you make me special. Don't you know that? Don't you know that you are everything in this world to me?

Lucy Eleanor Moderatz Monologues

Do you believe in love at first sight? Nah, I betcha don't, you're probably too sensible for that. Or have you ever, like, seen somebody, and you knew that, if only that person *really* knew you, they would, well, they would of course dump the perfect model that they were with, and realize that *you* were the one that they wanted to, just, grow old with? Have you ever fallen in love with someone you haven't even talked to? Have you ever been so alone you spend the night confusing a man in a coma?

If you fit into my pants I will kill myself.

So I had planned to marry Peter, but… I married Jack instead. Thank goodness my father was right. Life doesn't always turn out the way you plan. But Jack… Jack gave me the perfect gift: a stamp in my passport. He took me to Florence for our honeymoon. I guess you might say he gave me the world. Peter once asked me when it was that I fell in love with Jack. And I told him, "It was while you were sleeping."

Oh! I don't want any flowers from you, I am not wearing black underwear, and I definitely do not want to move in with you, Jo... Jack.

$45 for a Christmas tree and they don't deliver? You order $10 worth of chow mein from Mr. Wong they bring it to your door.

I have a house, and family, and things like that... not like I'm complaining or anything, because I have a cat, I have an apartment, sole possession of the remote control. That's very important. It's just, I never met anyone I could laugh with.

Okay, there are two things that I remember about my childhood - I just don't remember it being this orange. First, I remember being with my Dad. He would get these far off looks in his eye, and he would say, "Life doesn't always turn out the way you plan." I just wish I'd realized at the time he was talking about *my* life. But, that never stopped us from taking our adventures together. He would pack up our sometimes working car, and he would tell me *amazing* stories about strange and exotic lands as we headed off to exciting destinations like... Milwaukee. It's amazing how exotic Wisconsin... isn't. But my favorite memories were the stories that he would tell me about my Mom. He would take me to the church where they got married, and I'd *beg* him to tell me more about the ceremony and about my crazy Uncle Irwin who fell asleep in the macaroni and cheese, and I asked my Dad when he knew that he truly loved my Mom. And he said to me, "Lucy, your mother gave me a special gift: she gave me the world." Actually, it was a globe with a light in it, but for the romantic that he was, it might as well have been the world.

My mom died when I was really little and a couple of years ago my dad got sick so we moved from Indiana so he could go to research hospital.

Yeah, I had to quit school and I started working for the CTA and about a year ago he decided he had had enough research and he passed away.

Yes, Jerry, I'm insane. Every day I go and I sit in a booth like a veal. I work every holiday, I go home to a cat. And now, a rich and handsome man has asked me to marry him, and I have said yes. Okay, okay, that makes me a raving total lunatic.

I know it's tomorrow, Jerry. But you know what, I even wish it were yesterday, because that would mean that today that I would be on my honeymoon, that I would finally have a stamp in my passport, and that it would say "Italy" on it!

You know, Jack, I've had a really lousy Christmas. You've just managed to kill my New Year's. If you come back on Easter- you can burn down my apartment.

No, N-o, yes. All of you. I went from being all alone to being a fiancée, a daughter, a granddaughter, a sister, and a friend.

What's the big deal? Jerry, they think I'm their future daughter-in-law. And the grandma has got this heart thing and if I tell them the truth, she's gonna have a heart attack and die and it's gonna be on my head.

And what are you, the Happiness Guru, Jack? Are you happy? Because I don't remember you having had a conversation with your father. I mean, you do want to leave the business don't you, or is this just like another miscommunication that we're having here?

Kate Forster Monologues

One man I can never meet. Him, I would like to give my whole heart to.

Life is not a book, Alex. And it can be over in a second. I was having lunch with my mother at Daley Plaza and a man was killed right in front of me. He died in my arms. And I thought, "It can't end just like that on Valentine's Day." And I thought about all the people who love him, waiting at home, who will never see him again. And then I thought, "What if there is no one? What if you live your whole life and no one is waiting?"

I have to learn to live the life that I have got. Please don't write anymore. Don't try to find me. Let me let you go.

I sometimes feel as if I'm invisible, as if no one can see me at all. I never felt that way when I lived at the Lake House.

Well, I'm afraid the world's pretty much the same. Of course, we all dress in shiny metal jumpsuits and drive flying cars and no one talks anymore because we can read each other's minds… but, the truth is, from the past, not much has really changed in 2006.

Even though this is clearly impossible, it's amazing.

My dog is eight years old, six in your time; skinny, has sad eyes, snores, and sleeps like a human.

Okay, my mystery correspondent, I get it - just in case you really are where and when you think you are, you'll need this

There was a freak late snow and everyone got sick. So, plenty of rest, lots of fluids. Doctor's orders.

It's kind of a long distance relationship.

Here's a little something for you. There was a freak blizzard in the spring of 2004. So, watch out for that April snow.

Dear new tenant, welcome to your new home. I'm sure you'll love living here as much as I did.

Since no one has lived in this house for years.

I miss the Lake House. And its trees.

Ryan Stone Monologues

Hey, Matt? Since I had to listen to endless hours of your storytelling this week, I need you to do me a favor. You're gonna see a little girl with brown hair. Very messy, lots of knots. She doesn't like to brush it. But that's okay. Her name is Sarah. Can you please tell her that mama found her red shoe? She was so worried about that shoe, Matt. But it was just right under the bed. Give her a big hug and a big kiss from me and tell her that mama misses her. Tell her that she is my angel. And she makes me so proud. So, so proud. And you tell her that I'm not quitting. You tell her that I love her, Matt. You tell her that I love her so much. Can you do that for me? Roger that.

I know, we're all gonna die. Everybody knows that. But I'm going to die today. Funny that... you know, to know. But the thing is, is that I'm still scared. Really scared. Nobody will mourn for me, no one will pray for my soul. Will you mourn for me? Will you say a prayer for me? Or is it too late... ah, I mean I'd say one for myself but I've never prayed in my life. Nobody ever taught me how... nobody ever taught me how...

Houston, Houston in the blind, this is Mission Specialist Ryan Stone reporting from the Shenzhou. I'm about to undock from Tiangong… and I have a bad feeling about this mission.

Reminds me of a story…

Never mind, Houston, never mind the story! Ah. It's starting to get hot in here. OK. Alright the way I see it, there's only two possible outcomes. Either I, make it down there in one piece and I have one hell of a story to tell. Or I burn up in the next ten minutes. Either way whichever way, no harm no foul.

Cos either way, it'll be one hell of a ride. I'm ready.

Clear skies with a chance of satellite debris.

You're losing altitude fast, Tiangong. You keep dropping and you're going to kiss the atmosphere. But not without me, because you're my last ride.

C'mon Matt, talk to me. Tell me where you are, give me your position. Where are you? Give me a visual, tell me what you see. C'mon, you've been yammering since we left Cape Canaveral, *now* you decide to shut up? Talk to me! Just say something, say anything, I don't care!

Five. Four. Three. No more just driving. Let's go home.

Sally Owens Monologues

Sometimes I feel like there's a hole inside of me, an emptiness that at times seems to burn. I think if you lifted my heart to your ear, you could probably hear the ocean. The moon tonight, there's a circle around it. Sign of trouble not far behind. I have this dream of being whole. Of not going to sleep each night, wanting. But still sometimes, when the wind is warm or the crickets sing… I dream of a love that even time will lie down and be still for. I just want someone to love me. I want to be seen. I don't know. Maybe I had my happiness. I don't want to believe it but, there is no man, Gilly. Only that moon.

I dream of a love that even time will lie down and be still for.

Can love really travel back in time and heal a broken heart? Was it our joined hands that finally lifted Maria's curse? I'd like to think so. But there are some things I know for certain: always throw spilt salt over your left shoulder, keep rosemary by your garden gate, plant lavender for luck, and fall in love whenever you can.

Dear Gillian, Today is our third anniversary and all I have to show for it are two beautiful little girls and a husband I just can't stop kissing. I don't even mind the beard. But I wish you could see us. No more stones being thrown, no taunts cried out. Everything is just so blissfully normal. Life is perfect.

Leigh Anne Tuohy Monologues

Michael, I want you to have a good time but if you get a girl pregnant out of wedlock, I will crawl into the car, drive up to Oxford and cut off your penis.

No, you hear me, BITCH!. You threaten my son, you threaten me. You so much as cross into downtown, you will be sorry. I'm in a prayer group with the D.A., I'm a member of the N.R.A., and I'm always packing.

Um… before or after he turns around in his grave? Daddy's been gone five years Elaine. Make matters worse you were at the funeral, remember? You were wearing Chanel and that awful black hat? Look, here's the deal, I don't need y'all to approve my choices alright, but I do ask that you respect them. You have no idea what this boy has been through and if this becomes some running diatribe, I can find overpriced salad a lot closer to home.

There's a moment of orderly silence before a football play begins. Players are in position, linemen are frozen, and anything is possible. Then, like a traffic accident, stuff begins to randomly collide. From the snap of the ball to the snap of the first bones, closer to four seconds than five.

One-mississippi - Joe Theismann, the Redskins quarterback takes the snap and hands-off to his running back. Two-mississippi - it's a trick play, a flea-flicker. And the running back tosses it back to the quarterback. Three-mississippi - up 'til now the play's been defined by what the quarterback sees; it's about to be defined by what he doesn't. Four-mississippi - Lawrence Taylor is the best defensive player in the NFL and has been from the time he walked onto the fielded as a rookie. He will also change the game of football as we know it... Legendary quarterback Joe Theismann never played another down of football.

Now, y'all would guess that more often than not, the highest paid player on an NFL team is the quarterback. And you'd be right. But what you probably don't know is that more often than not, the second highest paid player is, thanks to Lawrence Taylor, a left tackle. Because, as every housewife knows, the first check you write is for the mortgage, but the second is for the insurance. The left tackle's job is to protect the quarterback from what he can't see coming. To protect his blind side.

You know, when I was driving all over Kingdom Come looking for you I just kept thinking about one thing - Ferdinand the Bull. Everyone assumed because he was big that he wanted to fight in the ring. But he just wanted to sit under a tree and smell the flowers… I know I should have asked this a long time ago but do you even wanna play football? I mean, do you even like it?

We have more monologues for You!