Nick Nolte Monologues

Howard W. Campbell Jr. Monologues

I was deposited on to the streets of New York, restored to the mainstream of life. I took several steps down the sidewalk when something happened. It was not guilt that froze me; I had taught myself never to feel guilt. It wasn't the fear of death; I had taught myself to think of death as a friend. It was not the thought of being unloved that froze me; I had taught myself to do without love. What froze me was the fact that I had absolutely no reason to move in any direction.

I guess the moral here is: you must be careful what you pretend to be because in the end you are who you're pretending to be.

It takes a heap of living to make a house a home.

I, Howard W. Campbell, Jr., am an American by birth, a Nazi by reputation, and a nationless person by inclination. I am awaiting a fair trial for my war crimes by the state of Israel.

Yes, I've changed. People should be changed by World Wars or what are World Wars for?

My dear sweet Eva, this is the only way I know how to make good the frightful wrong which has befallen us. It does not matter what lies ahead, for I have a full life behind me, all in those few sweet hours with you. I once told you that I would pledge my life for our nation of two, and reside there even in death, as surely as I reside in heaven when your arms are around me. Soon it will be time to keep that pledge, and I rejoice to think that earthly distractions will no longer intrude on my eternal devotion to you. From this moment forward our nation of two is the only country I will know.

They say that a hanging man hears glorious music. I wonder what it sounds like.

Stephen Katz Monologues

You know, Bryson, I wasn't actually hiding this. I wasn't lying about being dry either. The thing is, Bryson, I love to drink. Everything about it. I love the taste. And that buzz you get after you've had a couple. I love the smell of the tavern, right down to the urinal cakes. Hmm. But instead of going into the taverns like everybody else, I go home to my little apartment, and heat my TV dinner, and feel all virtuous like I'm supposed to.

But you know, night after night it's hard to persuade yourself that you're living a rich and thrilling existence. I mean, if they had a fun-o-meter the needle wouldn't exactly be jumping into the orgasmic zone. You know what I'm saying?

I mean, there's just this hole in my life where drinking used to be.

I know I can't drink. I mean, one drink will lead to 10. And the next thing, I'll find myself underneath a bridge somewhere.

That's why I carry this. To remind myself that I can. Or maybe I carry it in case I can't.

The only way of looking at it. As far as I'm concerned, we walked the Appalachian Trail. We walked it in the heat, we walk it in the snow, we walked it until our feet bled. We hiked the Appalachian Trail, Bryson.

In your absence, my romantic life has taken a turn for the better. Remember the laundromat? Her name is Beulah.

Yeah, seriously. And she's got a beautiful body. Buried under two hundred pounds of fat. But then, you know I kinda like a little meat on the bone.

Never buy underpants for a woman you don't know.

Lt. Col. Gordon Tall Monologues

It's not necessary for you to ever tell me that you think I'm right. Ever. We'll assume it.

Rosy-fingered dawn. You're Greek, aren't you, Captain? Did you ever read Homer? We read Homer at the Point. In Greek.

Shut up in a tomb. Can't lift the lid. Playing a role I never concieved.

The only time you should start worrying about a soldier is when they stop bitchin'.

Staros, I'm relieving you of your command. Lieutenant Band wiII take over for you. I already told him. It's a hard thing to do. Difficult decision to make. I don't think you're tough enough here. You're too soft. You're just too softhearted. You're not tough-fibered enough. Anyways, it's my decision to make. I've already made it.

From their knob up there, those goddamn little brown brothers can cover the whole of the ground in front of this position for 1,000 yards. They've Ieft this Iedge unguarded. Now, goddamn it, that's a mistake. That's a heII of a mistake! We need to take advantage of it before they see their error. AII right, aII right, I know you're aII pretty exhausted, and we've had a heII of a time getting water up here. For that I'm sorry. I apologize to you aII. But if we can reduce this bunker tomorrow, I think we can take this ridge. So, I'm asking for volunteers. Go back up there and knock it out!

Get that blouse on, soldier. It's not a goddamn bathing beach!

You don't know what it feels Iike to be passed over. I mean, you're young. You're just out of the Academy. You're, you know, you've got your war! This 15 years, this is my first war! John, some day you'II understand.

We attack in one hour! We'II throw everything we got at 'em. We're going aII the way! Nothing's stoppin' us. It's high ground by nightfaII!

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