Colin Farrell Monologues

Captain John Smith Monologues

There's something I know when I'm with you that I forget when I'm away.

I thought it was dream… what we knew in the forest. It's the only truth.

All the children of the king were beautiful, but she, the youngest, was so exceedingly so that the sun himself - though he saw her often - was surprised whenever she came out into his presence. Her father had a dozen wives, a hundred children, but she was his favorite. She exceeded the rest not only in feature and proportion but in wit and spirit too. All loved her.

Love... shall we deny it when it visits us... shall we not take what we are given.

If only I could go down that river. To love her in the wild, forget the name of Smith. I should tell her. Tell her what? It was just a dream. I am now awake.

Who are you whom I so faintly hear? Who urge me ever on? What voice is this that speaks within me... guides me towards the best? We shall make a new start. A fresh beginning. Here the blessings of the earth are bestowed upon all. None need grow poor. Here there is good ground for all, and no cost but one's labor. We shall build a true common wealth, hard work and self reliance our virtues. We shall have no landlords to reack us with high rents or extort the fruit of our labor.

They are gentle, loving, faithful, lacking in all guile and trickery. The words denoting lying, deceit, greed, envy, slander, and forgiveness have never been heard. They have no jealousy, no sense of possesion. Real, what I thought a dream.

He that will not work shall not eat! The labors of honest and industrious men shall not be consumed to maintain the idleness of a few!

At the moment I was to die she threw herself upon me.

She's done enough for us. She risked a beating out of her own brains to save mine. Had she not fed us, you would have starved. She's been the instrument to preserve this colony from disaster. We shall not return her kindness by making her a captive! Come Argall, threaten me! Then I'd know I was gonna live for 1,000 years.

Return to your post. The penalty for disobeying an order of the president is hanging. You're breaking the laws. This is mutiny.

I let her love me. I made her love me.

How many lands behind me? How many seas?

There is only this - all else is unreal.

Alexander Monologues

Conquer your fear, and I promise you, you will conquer death.

Look at those we've conquered. They leave their dead unburied, they smash their enemies skulls and drink them as dust, they mate in public! How can they think, or sing, or write when none can read? But as Alexander's army they could go where they never thought possible. They can soldier, or work in the cities. From the Alexandrias, from Egypt to the outer ocean. We could connect these lands, Hephaistion. And the people.

But we've freed them, Hephaistion, from the Persias, where everyone lived as slaves! To free the people of the world! Such would be beyond the glory of Achilles. Beyond Heracles! A feat to rival Prometheus, who was always a friend to man.

We all suffer. Your father, mine. They all came to the end of their time and in the end, when it's over, all that matters is what you've done.

Who knows these things? When I was a child my mother thought me divine; my father, weak. Which am I, Hephaistion? Weak or divine? All I know is I trust only you in this world. I've missed you. I need you. It is you I love, Hephaistion. No other.

n the end, when it's over, all that matters is what you've done.

The greatest honor a man can ever achieve is to live with great courage, and to die with his countrymen, in battle for his home.

Yes, I have Babylon. But each land, each boundary I cross lets drip away another illusion. I sense, death will be the last. Yet still I push harder and harder to reach this... home.

Where has our eagle gone? We must go on, Ptolemy... until we find an end.

These are not honors, Parmenion, they're bribes! Which the Greeks have accepted too long! You forget, Parmenion, that the man who murdered my father lies across the valley floor.

I would, if I were Parmenion. But I am Alexander. And no more than earth has two suns will Asia bear two kings. These are my terms. And if Darius isn't a coward who hides behind his men then he'll come to me tomorrow. And *when* he bows down to Greece, Alexander will be merciful.

A thousand ships we'll launch from here, Hephaistion! We'll round Arabia, and sail up the gulf to Egypt. From there, we'll build a channel through the desert, out to the middle sea. And then we'll move on Carthage, and that great island Cecily; they'll pay large tribute. After that the Romans - good fighters, but we'll beat them. And then explore the northern forests, and add the pillars of Heracles to the western ocean. And then one day, populations will mix and travel freely. Asia and Europe will come together. And we'll grow old, Hephaistion, looking out our balcony at this new world.

But you dream Crateros... Your simplicity long ended, when you took Persian mistresses and children, and you thickened your holdings with plunder and jewels... Because you have fallen in love with all the things in life that destroy men... do you not see... and you, as well as I, know, that as the year decline and the memories stale and all your great victories fade it will always be remembered, you left your king in Asia

May all those who come here after us know, when they see this altar, that titans were once here.

Isn't it a lovely thing to live with great courage and to die leaving an everlasting fame? Come, Macedonians, why do you retreat? Do you want to live forever? In the name of Zeus, attack!

If only you were not a pale reflection of my mother's heart.

While in your mind and body are stretched to breaking you have no thought beyond the next. And you look back then and there it was, happiness. In the doing, never the thinking.

Who is this great king, Darius, who enslaves his own men to fight? Who is this king but a king of air? They fight because this king tells them they must. And when they fight, they will melt away like the air because they know no loyalty to a king of slaves. But we are not here today as slaves! We are here today as Macedonian free men!

You lie and lie and lie! So many lies you've spun like a sorceress, confusing me!

As the years decline and the memories stale, and all your great victories fade, it will always be remembered that you left your king in Asia!

You and I together, one last time Bucephalus.

If only thirst could quench sorrow, Ptolemy.

Stay with me tonight, Hephaistion.

Stu Shepard Monologues

I have never done anything for anybody who couldn't do something for me. I string along an eager kid with promises I'll pay him money. I only keep him around because he looks up to me. Adam, if you're watching, don't be a publicist. You're too good for it. I lie in person and on the phone. I lie to my friends. I lie to newspapers and magazines who, who sell my lies to more and more people. I am just a part of a big cycle of lies, I should be fuckin' president. I wear all this Italian shit because underneath I still feel like the Bronx. I think I need these clothes and this watch. My two thousand dollar watch is a fake and so am I. I've neglected the things I should have valued most. I valued this shit. I take off my wedding ring to call Pam. Kelly, that's Pam. Don't blame her. I never told her I was married. And if I did she, she would have told me to go home. Kelly, looking at you now, I'm ashamed of myself. All right? I mean, I work so hard on this image, on Stu Shepherd, the asshole who refers to himself in the third person, that I only proved I should be alone. I have just been dressing up as something I'm not for so long, I'm so afraid no one will like what's underneath. But here I am, just flesh and blood and weakness, and uh and I love you so fucking much. And, um, I take off this ring because it only reminds me of how I've failed you, and I don't, don't want to give you up. I want to make things better, but it may not be my choice anymore. You deserve better.

With a big fucking smile on my face.

No, I'm in this fucking position because YOU HAVE A GUN!

What are you gonna do about it up in your fucking high window with your goddamn binoculars?

Look, you're a guy. Sometimes you wanna know it's a possibility, all right? You know it's like having a beautiful home, but you still dream of that quick vacation down there, you know, some nice hotel, a great view, I don't know, maybe a pool. But it's a just a fantasy because you'll never really leave home! Do you hear what I'm saying?

Stop fucking with my head!

The first step to being noticed is being mentioned.

This countr - this country owes you an apology. Look, I just had this vision of you coming back from the war, you know. Inured to the killing, not able to get work, isolated. I think that could be made into a pretty affecting story and one that, you know, everyone understands. And I think cops...

I think they're on the side of vets.

Steven Murphy Monologues

A surgeon never kills a patient. An anaesthesiologist can kill a patient, but a surgeon never can.

This meat is delicious. You were right, after all. The children are much better here. I was even thinking I might take them to the beach house, for a few days. A little fresh air and a change of scenery might do us all good. Do you know what I've been craving? Mashed potato. Why don't you make some tomorrow?

So what do you suggest? Tell me. Oh wait, I know. I've got it. There's a way we can put a stop to all of this. All we need to do is find the tooth of a baby crocodile, the blood of a pigeon and the pubes of a virgin. And then we just have to burn them all before sunset. Let me see, do we have any spare teeth lying around? Teeth, pubes? Nope, none here! LET ME SEE, DO WE HAVE ANY HERE? PUBES, TEETH? Nothing in this box either. Where are they? I'm sure they were here earlier. I put them here myself. WHO'S BEEN MOVING THINGS AROUND? FUCKING UNBELIEVABLE! I don't suppose you have any pubes I could have, by any chance? Oh, I forgot. You don't have any left. We don't have any of the things we need.

Do you think your mother is proud of you? Do you think she is happy that her beloved son is a murderer?

If you don't stop playing games, I will shave your head and make you eat your hair. I mean it. I will make you eat your hair.

Your mother is very beautiful, but the idea that she and I could ever be together is ludicrous. Let me remind you, I'm a married man. And I love my wife very much and my kids, and that we are very happy together.

John Monologues

My people, we don't carry on like you do. We don't hate and destroy each other. We make love for fun. Yes, it is a game, and we play it when we get time off from work. But we don't have all day and all night like you people do!

We don't use that word. But I have liked a lot of girls. And once when I could not have one girl I wanted, I became sick, horribly sick.Sick like a prince in a fairy tale, a prince who cannot eat or drink because of love.

I shared a bed with my little brother, and one morning, when I was eight, I woke up and found him dead beside me. I saw death for the first time and yes, I was afraid. But not in the way you're talking about.

You know the way that I am. I'm always placing a veil over people, idealizing them. So I never see who they really are. I did that with her - Miss Julie - and was bound to be disappointed.

Perhaps there isn't quite as much difference as they think between human beings and human beings.

Danny Witwer Monologues

I don't know. He was shot and killed when I was 15 on the steps of our church in Dublin. I know what it's like to lose someone close, John. 'Course, nothing is like the loss of a child. I don't have any children of my own, so I can only imagine what that must've been like. To lose your son - in such a public place like that. At least now you and I have the chance to make sure that kind of thing doesn't happen to anyone...

Looks like we won't be working together after all, John. Now put the gun down. I don't hear a red ball.

All you have to do is hire someone to kill Anne Livley for you, someone like a drifter, a neuroin addict, somebody with nothing to lose. Pre-Crime stops the murder from taking place, Halos the killer, takes him away but then, right then someone else that has viewed the pre-vision. Dresses in the same clothes, commits the murder in exactly the same way. Technician takes a look, thinks he's looking at an echo, erases it.

Of course, this would have to be somebody with access to the previsions in the first place. Someone fairly high-up…

We have more monologues for You!