Cillian Murphy Monologues

Jim Monologues

Oh, great, Valium. Not only will we be able to get to sleep, but if we're attacked in the middle of the night, we won't even care.

Oh, no. No, see-see, this is a really shit idea. You know why? Because it's really obviously a shit idea. So, we're just gonna drive in the tunnel full of fuckin' smashed cars and broken glass. It's really fuckin' obviously a shit idea!

Hey, don't do that. Look, Hannah is what Frank says she is, okay? She's tough, and she's strong, and she'll cope, just like I'll cope, and just like you'll cope.

Look, I'm a bicycle carrier. I was riding a package from, uh, Farringdon to Shaftesbury Avenue, and a car cuts across me. Then, I wake up today in a hospital. I wake up and I'm - I'm hallucinating, or I'm…

The world's worst place to get a flat, huh?

You think I don't get it but, um, I do get it. And I know I'd be dead already, if I hadn't met you.

No - No - No, then we should take the most indirect route. The one that's in broad daylight and that's not underground.

Listen. Listen to me. He's still all fucked. We're gonna be okay. He's still all fucked. We're gonna be okay. I've got to explain something.

I've seen something. It's gonna be okay. It's gonna be okay.

Damien Monologues

It's easy to know what you are against, but quite another to know what you are for.

I tried not to get into this war, and did, now I try to get out, and can't.

The Treaty does not express the will of the people, but the fear of the people.

And once again, with honourable exception, the Catholic Church sides with the rich.

I studied anatomy for five years, Dan. And now i'm going to shoot this man in the head. I've known Chris Reilly since he was a child. I hope this Ireland we're fighting for is worth it.

Strange creatures we are, even to ourselves.

I'm a coward? And you're a hero, isn't it, Ned? You're gonna take down the British army with your hurley, is that it?

Look, Micheail was killed because he wouldn't say his name in English. Is that what you call a martyr, Teddy, is it?

You have wrapped yourself in the fucking Union Jack! The butcher's apron, boy!

We buried him in this chapel in the mountains. And I went down and… and I told his mother. His mother, who has cooked meals for me and her son. And when I told her she… she just looked at me. and then she went in and she put on her shoes. Then she came out and she said, "Take me to my child." And we walked for six hours and she didn't say one word. Then we got to the chapel.

And I showed her the grave. And I'd put a… cross and some flowers on it. And she turned to me and she said, "I never want to see your face again."

I've crossed the line now, Sinead.

Your presence here is a crime, a foreign occupation. You tell me what I'm supposed to do as a democrat. Turn the other cheek for another 700 years? Is that it?

It is too late, Teddy. You can't see it. You really can't see it. John Bull has got his hand down your pants, his fist round your bollocks and you can't see it?

Micheail was killed because he wouldn't say his name in English. That what you call a martyr, is it, Teddy?

Robert Capa Monologues

So if you wake up one morning and it's a particularly beautiful day, you'll know we made it. Okay, I'm signing out.

When a Stellar Bomb is triggered, very little will happen at first -and then a spark, will pop into existance, and it will hang for an instant, hovering in space and then, it will split into two, and those will split again, and again, and again… detonation beyond all imaging - the big bang on a small scale. - a new star born out of a dying one… I think it will be beautiful… No, i'm not scared

Our sun is dying. Mankind faces extinction. Seven years ago the Icarus project sent a mission to restart the sun but that mission was lost before it reached the star. Sixteen months ago, I, Robert Capa, and a crew of seven left earth frozen in a solar winter. Our payload a stellar bomb with a mass equivalent to Manhattan Island. Our purpose to create a star within a star.

Eight astronauts strapped to the back of a bomb. My bomb. Welcome to the Icarus Two.

By the time you get this message, I'll be in the dead zone. It came a little sooner than we thought, but this means you won't be able to send a message back. So, I just wanted to let you know that I don't need the message because I know everything you wanna say. Just remember it takes eight minutes for light to travel from sun to Earth, which means you'll know we've succeeded about eight minutes after we deliver the payload. All you have to do is look out for a little extra brightness in the sky.

So if you wake up one morning and it's a particularly beautiful day, you'll know we made it. Okay, I'm signing out

and I'll see you in a couple years.

It's the problem right there. Between the boosters and the gravity of the sun the velocity of the payload will get so great that space and time will become smeared together and everything will distort. Everything will be unquantifiable.

It's not a decision, it's a guess. It's like flipping a coin and asking me to decide whether it will be heads or tails.

Heads… We harvested all Earth's resources to make this payload. This is humanity's last chance… our last, best hope… Searle's argument is sound. Two last chances are better than one.

Jackson Rippner Monologues

That was very clever, Leese. Taking some stress management courses? When we get out of this, I may have to steal you.

Lisa, whatever female-driven, emotion-based dilemma you may be dealing with right now, you have my sympathy. But for the sake of time and sanity, let's break this down into a little male-driven fact-based logic. One simple phone call saves your dad's life.

You know what I think?

I think you're not such an honest person. Because I've been following you for eight weeks now, and I never once saw you order anything but a fucking Sea Breeze!

Sometimes bad things happen to good people.

I already have, by twice intercepting these little communiques! You know, if they'd have fallen into the hands of a by-the-book stewardess, she'd have gone straight to the cockpit and we'd have landed somewhere else! If that happens, Leese, our guy in the BMW's gonna know about it, so do Dad a favor and stop gambling with his life!

She's exhausted, she's worked for 18 hours, and she suspects that we all hate her just as much as you do. So why you don't just give her a break? Let her go back to her job which I'm guessing is a lot more thankless than yours.

Pretty clear thinking given the circumstances. Wait, let me guess, some stress management courses? They're really paying off. When we get out of this, I may have to steal you.

Before you do that you may want to look at this.

J.R. Joe Reisert. Your father.

An associate of mine grabbed it off your dad's desk… I believe it was next to your graduation picture. J.R. his wallet, his initials. But gee, mine too. And for some reason, stewardess, this strange and rather inebriated girl whom I've never met before tonight suddenly went crazy when I took it out of my pocket.

You know what I think? I think you're not such an honest person. Because I've followed you for eight weeks now and I never once saw you order anything but a fucking seabreeze!

I know what you mean. Usually when things are going perfectly -- you're back on track, everything's going to plan -- and then, one day, out of nowhere, somebody forgets to bolt the engine to the wing.

We have more monologues for You!