Tom McCarthy

Marty Baron Monologues

Sometimes it's easy to forget that we spend most of our time stumbling around the dark. Suddenly, a light gets turned on and there's a fair share of blame to go around. I can't speak to what happened before I arrived, but all of you have done some very good reporting here. Reporting that I believe is going to have an immediate and considerable impact on our readers. For me, this kind of story is why we do this.

We need to focus on the institution, not the individual priests. Practice and policy; show me the church manipulated the system so that these guys wouldn't have to face charges, show me they put those same priests back into parishes time and time again. Show me this was systemic, that it came from the top, down.

"The church had no interest in knowing what The Globe's questions would be." Work it in somewhere before the jump. Anything else?

Walter 'Robby' Robinson Monologues

We've got two stories here: a story about degenerate clergy, and a story about a bunch of lawyers turning child abuse into a cottage industry. Which story do you want us to write? Because we're writing one of them.

Mmm. I ran track. You know, I went to Providence yesterday to talk to one of Father Talbot's victims. He played hockey here. And he's one of the better ones. He's got a wife, kids, good job. About ten minutes into the conversation, the guy breaks down. You know, couldn't stop crying. Said he could never figure out why Father Talbot picked him. Father Talbot coached the hockey team. So… I gues we just got lucky. You and me.

Mike Rezendes Monologues

It's time, Robby! It's time! They knew and they let it happen! To KIDS! Okay? It could have been you, it could have been me, it could have been any of us. We gotta nail these scumbags! We gotta show people that nobody can get away with this; Not a priest, or a cardinal or a freaking pope!

They knew and they let it happen! It could've been you, it could've been me, it could've been any of us.

I know there's things you cannot tell people. But I also know there's a story here people will hear about it.

Yeah, there's a reason I didn't see it. Nobody reads a Phoenix anymore... they're broke, they don't have any power. The Globe does. If we cover the story, everybody will hear about it.

Robby, it's incredible. Law knew about Geoghan for years, no question. There's a letter to Law from a woman, Margaret Gallant, who lived in Jamaica Plain in the early '80s when Geoghan was there. Listen to this. "Our family is rooted in the Church. Our desire is to protect the Holy Orders, even in the midst of our agony over the seven boys in our family who have been violated." Seven, Robby. Seven boys. "It was suggested we keep silent. We did not question the authority of the Church two years ago. But since Father Geoghan is still in his parish..." But she sent it to Law and Law did shit. Here's another to Law, same year. Listen to this. "A word on the recent assignment of Father Geoghan as an associate at St. Julia's in Weston. Father Geoghan has a history of homosexual involvement with young boys. I understand his recent departure from St. Brendan's may be related to this problem. I wonder if Father Geoghan should not be reduced to just weekend work while receiving some kind of therapy. You know how grateful I am to you for your constant concern. Sincerely yours in our Lord, Most Reverend John M D'Arcy, auxiliary bishop of Boston. December 7, 1984."

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