Jeff Daniels Monologues

Harry Dunne Monologues

You know, Lloyd, just when I think you couldn't possibly be any dumber, you go and do something like this… and totally redeem yourself!

I can't believe we drove around all day, and there's not a single job in this town. There is nothing, nada, zip!

She gave me a bunch of crap about me not listening to her, or something. I don't know, I wasn't really paying attention.

A tad? A tad, Lloyd? You drove almost a sixth of the way across the country in the wrong direction! Now we don't have enough money to get to Aspen, we don't have enough money to get home, we don't have enough money to eat, we don't have enough money to sleep!

Yeah yeah, that sounds nice. But, Lloyd, don't you think you might be jumping the gun a little bit? I mean, you know, who knows? You know, maybe, once you get to know her you'll find out that she's not your type.

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