I’m reviewing the situation / Can a fellow be a villain all his life? / All the trials and tribulations. / Better settle down and get myself a wife! / And a wife would cook and sew for me, / And come for me, and go for me, / And go for me, and nag at me, / The fingers, she would wag at me. / The money she would take from me. / A misery, she’ll make from me… I think I’d better think it out again!
Can somebody change? It’s possible – maybe it’s strange, but it’s possible. All my dearest companions and treasures, I’ve left them behind/ I’ll turn a leaf over/ and who can tell what I may find?
Yes? Young man? And do I have the honor of your acquaintance?
More a friend. For your talents are employable/ so make your life enjoyable/ a world with pockets open wide/ awaits your whim to grope inside…
In this life, one thing counts / In the bank, large amounts / I’m afraid these don’t grow on trees, / You’ve got to pick-a-pocket or two / You’ve got to pick-a-pocket or two, boys, / You’ve got to pick-a-pocket or two.
A wife you can keep, anyway/ I’d rather sleep, anyway.
There’s *blood*… on your coat, Bill!
If you go on the way you started, you will be the greatest man of all time. Sweet dreams, Oliver.
Carry cash, at this time of night? All those thieves and robbers lurking in dark alleyways? I wouldn’t dare.
Nancy’s waiting, give you a good supper.