Kit Carruthers

Kit Carruthers Monologues

Listen to your parents and teachers. They got a line on most things, so don't treat em like enemies. There's always an outside chance you can learn something. Try to keep an open mind. Try to understand the viewpoints of others. Consider the minority opinion. But try to get along with the majority of opinion once it's accepted. Of course Holly and I have had fun, even if it has been rushed. And uh, so far a good sign, hadn't got caught. Excuse the grammar.

Boy, if I could sing a song like that. If I could sing a song about the way I feel right now… it'd be a hit.

Don't worry, now. I'm gonna' get you off these charges. There's a whole lot of other boys out there waitin' for you. And you're gonna' have a lot of fun... Boy, we rang the bell, didn't we? I'll say this, though. That guy with the deaf maid? He's just lucky he's not dead, too. Of course, uh, too bad about your dad...

We're gonna' have to sit down and talk about that sometime.

My girl Holly and I decided to kill ourselves. The same way I did her Daddy. Big decision, you know. Uh, the reasons are obvious. I don't have time to go into right now. But, one thing though, he was provoking me when I popped him. Well that's what it was like. Pop. I'm sorry. I mean, nobody's coming out of this thing happy. Especially not us. I can't deny we've had fun though.

I always wanted to be a criminal, I guess. Just not this big of a one.

We'll keep headin' for that mountain. Just remember I said it wasn't such a hot idea.

That guy must pay through the nose to keep this place up. Lawn, gas and electric. Bagworms. Plus the upkeep on the cars. You get a little money in your pocket and you think all your problems are solved. Well, let me tell you. They're not.

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