Josh Brolin Monologues

George W. Bush Monologues

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me... and won't get fooled again.

I for one will not stand for the subsidization of failure. How do you know if you measure up if you have a system that simply

suckles them through.

More government's not the answer. We must have the attitude that every child in America, regardless where raised can learn. Rarely is the question asked is their children learning.

Just tell me what to do, whatever it takes. Look if I need to read the whole damn Constitution I'll do it.

Hey so, what's that old battle axe Helen Thomas writing on about now? Did she say anything about, uh, ya know, Iraq?

Did you tell her I don't like mud-suckers who gas their own people? Did you tell her I don't like ass holes that try to kill my father? Did you tell her that I was gonna kick his sorry mother fricken ass all over the Mid East?

Um… uh… Now, I wish you would have given me this written question beforehand, John, so I… So I could prepare for it. Well… You know, I… I just, uh… uh… John, I'm sure historians will say, "Gosh," you know. "I wish he could have done better." You know, this way or that way, uh… I… Yeah… I'm sure something will pop into my head here in the midst of the press conference with all the pressure of trying to come up with an answer but it hasn't yet. You know, I hope, uh… I don't wanna sound like, uh, I haven't made no mistakes. You know, I'm confident I have. It's just, I haven't, uh… You know, you really put me on the spot here, John. And maybe I'm not as quick, uh, on my feet as I should be in coming up with one but, uh…

Well, uh, I'm gonna deregulate school districts so that teachers and administrators can, you know, can develop programs to best fit their kids

Oh, well, we need to make a wholesale effort against racial profiling, you know? Which is, uh, illiterate children. You need to be able to teach a child to read and then he or her will be able to pass a literacy test.

Because you're too much like me. You're loud, and you've got a short fuse. Now, Jeb is like your father. He thinks before he speaks.

Whose job is it, to find these damn weapons?

I think we missed the side road!

I believe God wants me to be president!

Iran is not Iraq and Iraq is not Iran. I know that.

The only way to win is to leave before the job is done.

Matt Graver Monologues

Medellin refers to a time when one group controlled every aspect of the drug trade, providing a measure of order that we could control. And until somebody finds a way to convince 20% of the population to stop snorting and smoking that shit, order's the best we can hope for. And what you saw up there, was Alejandro working toward returning that order.

He works for the competition. Alejandro works for anyone who will point him toward the people who made him. Us. Them. Anyone who will turn him loose. So, he can get the person that cut off his wife's head, and threw his daughter into a vat of acid. Yeah. That's what we're dealing with.

What you're doing here is you're giving us the opportunity to shake the tree and create chaos. That's what this is! In the meantime, just sponge everything up you see. Learn! That's why you're here.

You know what the beauty is of you being so beat to a pulp? 'Cause no one's gonna notice a few more scratches.

Fuckin' lawyers. All right. Guillermo told us about a tunnel east of Nogales, near Sasabe. Now we're tryin' to find out what areas near there migrants avoid so we can find the tunnel. That better?

Guillermo didn't have any other options. We send him back across the border, he's a dead man. Now he gets to spend the next 30 years in an American prison in relative safety.

Kate, you volunteered to get on this train because you... you know you're doing nothing in Phoenix. Yeah, you're just sweeping up a fucking mess. In six months, every single house you raid will be rigged with explosives. Do you want to find the guys responsible? Yes or no?

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Look, don't sell yourself short, all right? The reason Reggie's home is I know he wasn't ready for this. But he better get ready real quick because this is the future, Kate! Juarez is what happens when they dig in.

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