Nathan Landau

Nathan Landau Monologues

When I first met this one here, she was a rag and a bone and a hank of hair. And that was a whole year-and-a-half after the Russians had liberated the camp she was in.

This toast is in honor of my disassociation of you two creeps. Disassociation from you, coony captive cunt of King's county. And you, the dreary dregs of Dixie.

On this bridge on which so many great Americans writers stood and reached out for words to give America its voice... looking toward the land that gave them Whitman... from its Eastern edge dreamt his country's future and gave it words... on this span of which Thomas Wolfe and Hart Crane wrote, we welcome Stingo into that pantheon of the Gods... whose words are all we know of immortality. To Stingo!

You spent the whole fucking afternoon with him, or should I say, you spent the whole afternoon fucking him.

We put the little sweetie here on a massive doses of ferrous sulphate and she began to bloom like a rose. A rose. A rose. A beautiful fucking rose. You're something!

Tell me. Tell me, Sophie. The same anti-Semitism for which Poland has gained such a worldwide renown that this similar anti-Semitism guide your own destiny, help you along, protect you in a manner of speaking so you became one of the minuscule, handful of people who lived - while the millions died? Tell me. Tell me why? Explanation, please! Tell me why, old lucky number 11379, tell me, why you inhabit the land of the living? What splendid little tricks and strategems sprang from that lovely head of yours to allow you to breath the clear Polish air? While the multitudes at Auschwitz choked - slowly - on the gas?

Well, shut my mouth, if it isn't our new literate figure from the South. Too bad I won't be around for a little lively conversation. We'd've had great time, you and I, shootin' this shit. We could've talked about - sports. Southern sports. like lynchin' niggers, or coons I think you all call 'em down there. So long cracker. See you in another life.

You wipe out six million Jews - and the world lets them escape. You want to join me in a little lynching party, Southern boy? I expect you might have a lot to teach me there.

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