J.F. Lawton

Edward Lewis Monologues

I have to go now, but I want you to understand, I heard everything you said. This is all I'm capable of right now. It's a very big step for me.

People's reactions to opera the first time they see it is very dramatic; they either love it or they hate it. If they love it, they will always love it. If they don't, they may learn to appreciate it, but it will never become part of their soul.

Do you have anything in this shop as beautiful as she is?

Impossible relationships. My special gift is impossible relationships.

Vivian Ward Monologues

When I was a little girl… my momma used to lock me in the attic when I was bad, which was pretty often… and I would… I would pretend I was a princess trapped in a tower by a wicked queen. Then suddenly, a knight on a white horse with colors flying would come charging up and draw his sword… and I would wave… and he would climb up the tower, and rescue me. (pause) But never… in all the times that I had this dream did the knight say to me, 'Come on baby, I'll put you up in a great condo.

Did I mention, my leg is 44 inches from hip to toe. So basically we are talking about 88 inches of therapy wrapped around you for the bargain price of three thousand dollars.

I appreciate this whole seduction thing you've got going on here, but let me give you a tip: I'm a sure thing.

I got red, I got green, I got yellow... I'm out of purple, but I do have one Gold Circle coin left... the condom of champions... the one and only... nothin' is gettin' through this sucker. Whaddya say, hmm?

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