Dan Evans Monologues

I ain’t never been no hero, Wade. The only battle I seen, we was in retreat. My foot got shot off by one of my own men. You try telling that story to your boy. See how he he looks at you then.

William, I want you to give this back to your mother. I want you to tell her that it helped me find what was right.

I’m gonna be a day behind you, William. Unless something happens, and if it does, I need a man at the ranch to run things, protect our family, and I know that you can do that because you’ve become a fine man, William. You’ve become a fine man. You got all the best parts of me. What few there are.

And you just remember that your old man walked Ben Wade to that station when nobody else would.

You know, this whole ride… it’s been egging on me. That’s what the government gave me for my leg – 198 dollars 36 cents and the funny thing is that… when you think about it, which I have been lately, is they weren’t paying me to walk away, they were paying me so they could walk away.

If I don’t go, we gotta pack up and leave. Now I’m tired, Alice. I’m tired of watching my boys go hungry. I’m tired of the way that they look at me. I’m tired of the way that you don’t.

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